Sunday, November 30, 2008

Weekend Snapshot # 5 - Two of a kind

My two adorable nieces Avvie and Kyzzie takes an ice cream break. Little Avvie was delighted with her ice cream so much that she was in the mood to smile before the camera. :)


Lynn said...

They're cute! That ice cream would certainly make even adults smile. :)

Kero said...

aaaww myself is an ice cream addict too. yum yum! Thank you so much for the visit. Till next weekend!

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Icecream the one thing on earth that bring smiles to most faces :)

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

kids always love ice cream regardless of the weather.They are so adorable indeed!!

Jackie said...

Very very cute and vanilla and strawberry ice cream...yummy!!

Happy WS:-)

Jeanne said...

cute girls

SandyCarlson said...

Those are cute kids! What fun!

sweetytots said...

yummy, my daughter loves ice cream too.. thanks for the visit.. please do join my giveaway.. they would love to play with the toy im giving.. and I am also giving away two toys..All you have to do is to comment as much as you can.. Please visit my other entries about Ocean Adventure and her bestfriends Gwen. And if you want to win a very cute Bear Dress Up toy for your kids, join here. And a picturen of little J with her crush.

Heart of Rachel said...

They look so cute with their ice-cream cones.

Ibyang said...

aww they're sooo cute!!! :)