Sunday, November 16, 2008

Yummy Sunday # 1 - Native sweets

Suman is a popular rice delicacy. Suman is steamed glutinous rice, sweetened or unsweetened, wrapped in oiled coconut or banana leaves. The suman in the photo is an unsweetened variety. This is usually wrapped and tied with strands of coconut leaves.How to eat this type of suman? Well, You cut a piece, dip it in sugar and eat it. Usually Suman is best served together with delicious sweet riped mangoes. For more yummy posts, visit Yummy Sunday.



i love eating suman in sugar with coffee. ^_^

mines is up already at

Aisha said...

Hi Ling, ibutang imo name sa Yummy Sunday na sita. Lami kaayo ay, gimingaw ko.

Jan said...

woaahhh.. you make me miss suman now. suman with sweet and hot coffee are perfect combination.

thanks for being a part of yummy sunday.

Chubby Chieque said...

Love the suman, "budbod" in many cebuanos living in North Cotabato & Davao.

Pearl Farm is one of our fam fav everytime we're home in Davao. Takes us half an hour, lang kay naa ra mis duol sa warf, Bajada mi.

Lalaine said...

yeah..the best! I just had some delicious Suman during All Souls Day ..and seeing this suman makes me crave for more..heheh! Taga Cagayan sad diay ka! :)

Melissa said...

Yes Lalaine. Kagay-anon ko..heheh..U

Unknown said...

Wow! I'm missing suman alot...I never tasted suman while I was there last month...look so yummy....