Monday, November 3, 2008

Weekend Snapshot #2 - Grab a slice

For my second entry to weekend snapshot, i thought of snapping a photo of my favorite Pizza. Growing up as a child, my weekends always includes pizza. My Aunt would always tag along me and my cousins when she goes shopping and we always look forward to it because after shopping she gets to treat us with Pizza. How we just love it! Last weekend i was craving for it and i bought one. LOL! It looks really yummy in the photo...Would anyone like to have a slice of Pizza? :)


Dora said...

Sure, certainly! I want more than 1 piece, can I? ;p

Melissa said...

sure dora u can have more than 1, just as long u bring some Soda...LOL!

Anonymous said...

sure, why not! and a glass of coke filled with ice? ok lang?

have a great week ahead, melissa!

Aisha said...

I just had pizza for my breakfast today. It's our leftover last Friday hehe. This one looks really good.

Melissa said...

sure jaejae..that would be good for pizza..LOL!

2sweetnsaxy said...

After seeing this, now I want pizza! :-)

TeacherJulie said...

Yummy pizza :)